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Uruguay Teacher's DayUruguay Teacher's Day - September 22nd

Teacher appreciation is shown on Uruguay’s national Teachers Day, every 22nd of September. The Uruguay Teacher’s Day is not as vibrant as other countries of the world since it’s only a small country in South America. It’s teacher appreciation day is celebrated every 22st of September. There is no historical significance as the date is only chosen next to the Student’s Day which is September 21st. The national government of Uruguay has declared these days’ national holidays.

The following are the usual activities in the country when this teacher appreciation day comes.

Traditional celebration

Uruguay teachers love to celebrate their special day with the presentation of many cultural and native dances. On this day, thousands of students all over the country are participating in cultural dances in major schools. There are even competitions so that the presentations would become more elegant and very professionally selected by the students. There is also the flooding of love cards across the country with students making their personalized greetings cards and give them to the teachers. Though very traditional but many teachers find this one of the most beautiful appreciation gifts they receive every year. They said they would always love to read message from their students as this would also give them more encouragement to continue their mission and vision.

Beach parties

There are schools in the country that also celebrate teacher’s day in beaches. For them, it’s only affordable and very enjoying. The fact that both students and teachers would enjoy swimming, this becomes a new go-to place during teacher’s day. This is also one way of helping the teachers once in a while escape from the four-cornered classrooms.

Sporting activities

There are few schools that also prepare teacher appreciation activity through a sports tournament among teachers. They find this more healthy activity since teachers are not only sweating it out to win the competition but also loss some weight. Many teachers in the country are observed to becoming very fat.

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