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India Teacher's DayIndia Teacher's Day - September 5th

Every 5th of September is a significant day in India, one of the most populous countries in South Asia. The day is India Teacher’s Day. It’s a nationwide teacher appreciation day in the country and thousands of schools are participating in simultaneous celebrations. This day teachers become the point of attraction – obviously it’s their day. Lots of merry making activities are celebrated in most schools. However, this day is not only a commemoration of national teacher’s day in India – it’s also the birth date of the country’s former president Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. This is also the reason why the celebration very significant in the country. Today, the national teacher’s day celebration is also fully supported by its president Dr. Abdul Kalam, the country’s 12th president.

The following are the usual activities in India during teacher appreciation day. Like any other countries of the world, the Indian government is fully supporting the annual teacher’s day.

School activities

When this national celebration comes students are still reporting to their respective schools but the usual classes will be turned into a day of celebration. Students offer cultural and modern dance, song renditions, present dramatization, comical skits and all other presentations that would make the teachers happy. Many school directors in colleges and universities would also treat their teachers to special lunches right after the program while others would also prepare parties during night time.

Awards and Recognition

One of the memorable highlights during teacher’s day in India would be the awarding of outstanding teachers according to their field of expertise. The recognition includes expertise in sciences, mathematics, humanities, psychology, human relations and all other specialized fields.

Love Cards

The traditional giving of love cards to their favourite teachers are also conducted by thousands of students across the country. Teachers would always to read messages of their students, saying this activity added more adrenalin for their daily mentoring activities.

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